Tag Archives: Spite



Today I ran…even though it was midday…in South Louisiana…and even though…
I didn’t feel like it
And I told myself the meanest things I could think of,
Things I would never, ever tell another person.
With each heavy step, I interiorly knew
I was better than the insults…way better.
I didn’t even care that my upper lip was sweating before I had reached the half-mile point.
Nothing was moving out there today, except me and a couple of cars…not even the pickle-green stagnating water
I pass regularly.
And I didn’t care.
It was a matter of principal…or principle. Hmm.
I ran because God gave me strong legs and endurance.
I ran because my father in law is dying and there is nothing I can do about it…except maybe not waste my life, abilities, and gifts.
I ran because last night was parent’s night at my daughter’s school and as I went to find a seat, I saw my old schoolmate from 6th grade…his wife, his beautiful wife with crystal blue eyes and the face of an angel is in a wheelchair. She will never leave it.
I ran because this morning, someone I am so fond of, a new mother, was hooked up to a machine, receiving chemotherapy and she is such a shining example of God’s grace.
So, yeah, I ran today.
And I prayed. For everyone I could think of…the people I love, the people I don’t; the ones who make me mad, the ones who don’t even know they are part of my prayer life…
And I thanked God for His beautiful